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Our artists
Jonathan Baran
Painter / Acrylic on canvas / Figurative
François Faucher
Painter / Acrylic on canvas / Figurative
Karen Goetzinger
Painter / Acrylic on canvas and mixed media / Abstract
Audrey Bazinet
Painter / Acrylic and mixed media / Semi-figurative and abstract
Arcade Latour
Painter / Industrial Inks / Abstract
Marie-Danielle Leblanc
Encaustic Artist / Beeswax / Abstract
Marie-Danielle Leblanc
Artiste de l'encaustique / Cire d'abeille / Abstrait
Bastien Martel
Sculptor artist / Sculptures on various metals
Painter / Abstract
Kelly Paterson
Painter / Acrylic and mixed media / Figurative
Mariclair Plante
Painter / Mixed Media / Abstract
Maria Saracino
Sculptor / Sculptures on polymer clay / Figurative
Huges Soucy
Sculptor artist / Sculptures on various metal alloys and stones
Roger Sutcliffe
Monoprinter / Abstract Artist
Anne Thériault
Painter / Mixed media / Abstract
André Buist
Aquarelliste, figuratif
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